The disinfection system of the hotel Cala Jóncols

Hotel Cala Jóncols

The safety and hygiene measures in Cala Jóncols work with systems which do not cause side effects to the environment - keep reading if you want to find out what processes we follow to make this happen!

The safety and hygienic measures in Cala Jóncols work with systems which do not cause any side effects to the environment. Keep reading if you want to find out what processes we follow to make this happen!

We are the third generation of the hotel who struggles to persevere in our little paradise. The 2020 has put us all to the test. The Covid-19 has forced us to stop, to protect ourselves among those who love us, to be stronger in difficult times, but above all to be aware of the importance of taking care of ourselves and our environment.

That is why today we want to share with all of you how our hotel's disinfection system works so that you can enjoy a safe and peaceful stay with us:

What system does our hotel use for the disinfection process?
We have a machine since 4 years that uses water and salt to generate a disinfectant product which complies with all European biocide regulations, in other words, it is recognised as an official disinfectant by the European Union.

It consists of filling the machine with water and salt, and from an electrolysis generates this product which is totally harmless to people, animals and plants. Moreover, we can also use it on any food. We disinfect with all the guarantees without adding any toxic.

Another of the properties of this system is it respects the environment. On the one hand, we generate neither transport nor single-use containers, we generate the product on site and, on the other hand, the product itself, after six days, returns to its original state of salt water. Therefore, if we "leave" it in nature, in the mountains or in the sea, we are not causing any damage to the environment because after a few days it will return to its original state.

How does the disinfection of the Cala Jóncols diving centre work?
We use the hydrolysed water system which produces a totally disinfectant product without being toxic and which allows us to disinfect masks, regulators, anything without being afraid that it will later generate any kind of problem. It is an ecological product, which is fantastic if we want to protect the environment and continue diving in a virgin and unique environment as Cap de Creus is.

The security and hygienic measures in Cala Jóncols have only one objective: to make our home survive in the face of any adversity, so that we can all enjoy it together forever.